Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Well as for what I have understand it is true that Junior and Senior Promenade signifies a ceremony of bequethal, of the different responsibilities of the Seniors to the Juniors as they leave the portal of the Alma Mater and usually this event is done like a party where there's so called as an unlimited dance, unlimited picture taking, unlimited talks, jamming, singing and so and so forth but then for this school year 2010-2011 we haven't experience those unlimited happenings due to the DepEd order and that as much as possible the concerned event will be omitted but it happens because of the parent's decision to still continue the said event, even if its just a half day celebration. And in line with that the students dont like the parents' decisions to make it as half day or in general to follow the DepEd order but then there's no other options so as to continue the half day celebration of LVHS JS Prom.

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