Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"About Our Video"

Hello this is Mae Marie Dagasdas a fourth year student of Lupon Vocational High School and I belonged to the TVE Computer Major Class year 2010 -2011 and for this quarter we are tasked to make a video about our school or about the the happenings here in our school and the topic that we've chosen was about the school rules and regulations of our school and by this time we already have our video and actually we already transfer it to movie.We are so thankful that though we are late in taking up a video still we made it and I am too overwhelmed upon I heard the comment of maam alma cafe that its good.....Thanks God!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

This is the official logo of Supreme Student Government.Obviously it really looks great!. Am I right?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

"People in Burgos"

Aloha! this is my classmates and my teacher in MAPEH Mrs. Ramos................laugh out loud........that's how cool they are...

"DAGS Blog"

Hello everyone this is Mae Marie Dagasdas this is my blog and its all about the Supreme student Government please follow me..........Aja!

"My favorite Spot"

A favorite place of mine when its vacant time is at the SSG office because when I am there I am comfortable enough, I can easily think of the things I am going to do. One thing I like most about SSG Office is that there's no such noise and with that I can sleep well just even in a short time...

Monday, August 2, 2010

" A Painstaking Challenge"

Challenges is good? or Challenges is bad?
Try to figure out!

For this quarter at this year 2010 Maam Alma Cafe had given us a task by group and that is, we should have a video about the categories she had shown to us. And the best category that weve chosen is about "Advocacy of Social Concerns" and as what our group have decided that our video should focus on our school rules and regulations. At first we thought that it was just an easy task because we will just take a video ,a little bit edit and thats all but when Maam Alma told us that we should make our video the best that we could do, were somethin' like enlightened. Right after the discussion we immediately have a further discussion together with my co-member and we talked about: the flow of the video, where are we going to start it, our script, whats the right thing to do, many questions have come up to our minds. But thanks God we are again enlightened and that enlightenment had brought to us a different ideas, suggestions to speak out but then again it ends with a very nice plan out as we have rated it. A day after that we encoutered such problems and that is we dont have any gadgets to be used in taking up a video , we have no celphones and the worst we dont have a digital camera and we cannot think any soures of those things mentioned , we seems like stranded from a trap, we cannot move cause we cannot start the video and I said "Oh My God" why did this happened to us. We felt so envious with the other group because the already start editing and so whatever.And this also happened on the following day until next day and so and so forth. But our we are so thankful on the next day because the other group let us borrow their celphone but then as we viewed it, it doesnt have a good quality so we decided to change it and we are so thankful again because Miki Kawahara let us borrowed also her digital camera and as we have tested it, oh i said this is it! so now by this day we already start editing our video.